El Paso County has released the draft Master Plan for public review and comment. This comprehensive document, when approved by the El Paso County Planning Commission, will replace the El Paso County Policy Plan and the numerous Small Area Plans dating back to the 1970’s . The website with information on the Master Plan is here: https://elpaso.hlplanning.com/pages/draft-plan-outreach As the web site notes, revised placetypes models and Implementation Chapter 14 will be forthcoming. Additional information regarding the Master Plan effort can be found here: https://elpaso-hlplanning.hub.arcgis.com/ We're looking for input from our friends and members on the Master Plan, primarily as it relates to trails in El Paso County. Trail information is mostly contained in Chapter 6, Transportation & Mobility and Chapter 10, Recreation & Tourism. We'd ask that you please review the draft Master Plan and provide any comments to [email protected] by April 6 for consolidation and submission with our organizational weight. We anticipate an evening public meeting from 6-7 pm on March 31, with more details to follow that will be posted on the county web site. Comments are closed.
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