WelcomeThe Black Forest Trails Association is a local community non-profit organization with the following goal: To create a safe, legitimate, non-motorized, multi-use recreational trail system that connects Black Forest neighborhoods to each other and the El Paso County Regional Trail System.
The BFTA organization works with local residents and various government agencies to ensure Black Forest area public trails are kept in good shape, new trails are included in new development plans, works with local residents to create connecting paths between our many beautiful parks and trails systems, plus much more to help keep your Black Forest area parks and trails open and pleasurable for your use. President's Corner
Upcoming EventsRenew Your Membership Now!Membership runs from April 1 to March 31 of the following year. You can renew your membership for 2024 / 2025 (or join if you're not a member) now.
Our Current NewsletterPublished September, 2024
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Subscribe To Our NewsletterWe only send out emails periodically for important announcements and information related to BFTA. You can unsubscribe at any time. We will NOT sell or give out your email address.
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Black Forest Trails Association.