You may recall when you were a youngster, having proudly stated to your friends, you were part of something that was important to you. It could have been a team, church, scouts, or a class play. Some, usually the jealous ones, would respond with “So what?” or “Who do you think you are?” Well fortunately, as adults, we have grown past that, but you may still ask it of yourself when you participate in and support a group like the Black Forest Trails Association (BFTA). So what? Who do you think you are? I am the current President of the BFTA, so let me tell you who I think you are! As a member of the BFTA, you are greatly valued by your BFTA Board of Directors and the Black Forest community at large! Let me tell you why: Members Give BFTA Clout! BFTA is primarily a lobby group with the county and private land owners, who we approach, on behalf of our members, to encourage maintenance and development of a strong network of trails throughout Black Forest. How do members help in this? It’s simple! The more members we represent, the more likely the parties we approach will listen and respond to our requests. Your membership directly results in the county expending limited resources in our neck of the woods. At BFTA’s request, significant county efforts have come our way. For example:
So I ask you “So what?” So, your involvement as a member of the Black Forest Trails Association has a far reaching consequence for you and our community! For all current members a big THANK YOU! For past members PLEASE REJOIN AGAIN! For our other fellow trail users PLEASE JOIN NOW! The larger we are, the more we are heard! Sincerely, Larry Fariss President BFTA Comments are closed.
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Black Forest Trails Association.